Data Exporter to JSON

Outputs|Exports a JSON file to /script-output/recipe-lister that lists all recipes, crafting machines, mining drills, belts, inserters, resources, items, fluids, and technologies loaded on player creation. Settings for split files and toggles for each category

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
6 years ago
Latest Version:
2.8.0 (3 years ago)
Factorio version:
0.16 - 1.1
Downloaded by:
777 users

Creates a list of all the recipes, crafting machines, mining drills, belts, inserters, resources, items, fluids, and technologies available to the game and prints it to a "crafting_data.json" file or separate category files upon player creation (usually on a save creation) with the mod. The intended use case is to enable the mod, then create a new game without saving it.

Naturally, it also exports hidden recipes, so be warned if you use a mod that has a lot of them, like Reverse Factory, Flare Stack (void), Logicarts (stickers), Angel's Petrochemicals (void), or Omnicompression. You should turn them off when using this mod if they are not essential to your calculations. Takes a fair bit of time to iterate through all relevant entries on calculation.

- Export assembling machines properties
- Export miners, ores, pumps properties
- Export belts and inserters properties
- Export technology properties
- Export reactors, boilers, generators, solar panels properties
- Settings for each category
- Option to split categories into separate files

Contains a Lua to JSON library modified for readability, feel free to reuse.

If you want quick response, contact me on Discord, I'm at Factorio( and Omni servers ( as Erythion.