Rd's Timelapse Map Maker
Automatically takes screenshots regularly for use in a timelapse map.
Takes a screenshot of every chunk with an entity from certain forces every n minutes.
These screenshots can be used with leaflet or another map library to display a base or playthrough.
Each screenshot will be saved in script-output/timelapse-map/surface/x_y.png
A metadata.json file will also be created containing the following info:
"tick": 0,
"minute": 0,
"seed": 520997249,
"tracked_surfaces": ["nauvis"],
"tracked_forces": ["player"],
"captured_chunks": {
"nauvis": [[-2,0],[-1,-1],[-1,0],[0,-1],[0,0]]
"map_exchange_string": ">>>...<<<"
There is also a config option to replace "timelapse-map" with the world seed in all paths.
If you enable autosaving, will trigger a save when collecting chunk screenshots.
By default, it autosaves to saves/_autosave-timelapse-map/_autosave-timelapse-map/0000000.zip
- You will have to create these folders, otherwise it will pop up an error message and fail to save.
- See this bug report for more details: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=105701
- There is also a feature request so that it doesn't have to be an autosave: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=105700
Work in progress
Currently, this does not generate the website needed to display the chunk tiles.
I will eventually implement this, once I figure out the javascript.
Inspired by https://mods.factorio.com/mod/L0laapk3_FactorioMaps