The following error occurs when trying to get off the motor car while on a raised rail over the ocean of Aquilo if there are no solid ground nearby and you are wearing Mech Armor:
The mod Railway Motor Car (0.5.0) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.
Error while running event railway-motor-car::on_player_driving_changed_state (ID 30)
value for required parameter 1 (position) is missing
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'teleport'
railway-motor-car/scripts/use_equipment.lua:227: in function <railway-motor-car/scripts/use_equipment.lua:210>
Also, when trying to get into the motor car while flying over the ocean with mech armor without solid ground nearby a floating message sayng "Cannot spawn the railway motor car" appears.