Railway Motor Car

by S3bulon

Adds a railway motor car as an equipment to ride the railway without placing a locomotive manually.

a month ago
1.0 - 2.0

i Change shortcut

2 years ago

I don't see how to change the key (ENTER by default) to deploy/enter the motorcar next to rails! The problem is that multiple times I parked a spidertron next to rails and I'm unable to enter again. Always when I pressed ENTER, I enter the motorcar, not the spidertron! Would be better if we can configure the shortcut key, then I could choose another that don't collide with the key for entering vehicles!


2 years ago

You got the same issue if the spidertron is standing on top of a normal locomotive, or a car.

But I will look into it. Maybe I could not create the motor car if the spidertron is selected.

A configurable shortcut has the following problem: if you press <other key> to enter the motor car - do you also exit it with that key? And also exit it with <enter>? Now you have two buttons with the same functionality... etc...

2 years ago

I'm thinking about don't user 'ENTER' to interact with this mod... Not hardcoded, at least... The key that the user choose will be used to enter / exit the motor car.


2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

What you mean by "spidertron is selected"? In my case, I was trying to enter the spidertron near me. I don't have it selected!


2 years ago

I meant "selected with the cursor".
But with 0.3.3 I modified it to prefer a spidertron standing on top of the rails over creating a motor car.

Regarding the shortcut: I did not program an explicit "enter the vehicle" logic, but use the regular "enter vehicle"-Command from the base game.
I simply create a new locomotive which is then entered by the base game - that way there is no point of failure. And I would like to keep it that way.

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