Quality Seeds

Provides a way to use those quality seeds, allowing Gleba to be a late-game source of quality materials. For each cultivatable plant (included those added by mods) adds a cultivator building, which can grow those plants using a seed and water as the recipe. Additionally, adds late game options to grow plants in space!

a month ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
3 months ago
Latest Version:
1.2.2 (a month ago)
Factorio version:
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1.51K users


If you were like me, and got to the end of SpaceAge, and was frustrated that Gleba - despite its difficulty - never quite rewarded you in comparison to Vulcanus (infinite resources) / Fulgora (endless rockets and blue circuits), and that quality was too grindy to scale up, and that you just deserved a feasible strategy to make a legendary factory...\n ...then this mod is for you!\nMake mastery of Glebas tricky spoil mechanic the best place to build Rare, or legendary items!

Gleba is often seen as the most difficult planet to scale up on, however when compared to the other planets, there is little need to! This mod gives Gleba a stronger late game purpose by providing valid production chains to using seeds of any quality to get the quality harvested results. This could be seen as an alternative to asteroid gambling, and provides a more factory-based way to scale up legendary production of materials using the Gleba production chains.

List of Changes

  • Adds two new researches to Glebas research tree, Cultivation, and Space Cultivation. Which gives access to the mods content.
  • Each plantable (Yumako, Jellystem, Tree in base game) has a building called the Cultivator added, cultivators can only be placed on soils where the plantable can be planted.
  • Adds recipes that take pentapod eggs, and seeds, and losslessly returns the seeds. Allowing the upcycling of seeds in a more predictable manner.
  • Cultivators have a recipe to convert seeds and water into the result of the plantable, and a small amount of steam.
  • Cultivators, like biochambers, require nutrients to run.
  • If harvesting the plantable creates spores (e.g Jellystem, Yumako), then the recipe will also output Spores as a fluid/gas.
  • Adds a Spore Vent building, which releases the Spores fluid/gas into the environment at the players desired location. (Great for controlling pentapod attack locations)
  • Adds space cultivators (very late game tech), which only work in space, which do the same thing (albeit a little bit faster growth cycles) in space.

Is this mod balanced?

Currently, the default behaviour is for cultivators to return only 30% of the result, which means 15 fruits per seed, rather than 50. (There is a mod setting to change this so that the cultivator returns the full 50 if so desired). This means that you need 4x tier 3 legendary production modules in both the cultivator, and the biochamber processing the fruits to generate enough seeds to continue the process. Alternatively, the legendary seeds can be generated from 4 smaller mini upcycling factories which generate the respective seeds and pentapods eggs, to get to legendary.
Endless legendary outputs is not really possible, and extremely difficult until the very late game with the default settings. However this method is definitely easier/stronger than base game asteroid gambling, and bypasses the require 300% prod on LDS to get endless legendary plastic / LDS.

I believe the difficulty of the logistical setup is high when compared to the mechanics of the base game, however the resulting legendary outputs is definitely easier compared to current base-game legendary item mechanisms. Once setup, it will certainly over-shadow any real use of the recycler - apart from using it to get rid of unwanted items.
In terms of balance I believe it trades the grinding of legendary in the base-game, with an additional logistical / factory Gleba build. I.e., legendary will be ultimately be easier to scale, however instead of grinding to get there you need to really master Gleba. I think that is a fair enough trade.

Tell me more about how Spores are handled?

Initially, the cultivators just made the spore pollution, however it was a tad more fun and interesting to convert the Spores pollution mechanic to be a real fluid/gas. The ratio is 100:1, where harvesting a yumako tree results in 15 pollution spores being generated, cultivating a yumako tree will result in double that (30 spores) which is represented by 3000 spores fluid. The reason the spores fluid units are so high, is to discourage the player to simply store the fluids in endless fields of tanks)
If a fluid container is destroyed, and it contains Spores, it will immediately dump those spores into the environment! The only way to cheese this system is to install other mods such as flare-stack which void fluids.
The neat thing about this mechanic, is you can move the spores away from your base and release them at a well defended location, to help deal with pentapod attacks.

Got a suggestion or idea?

Please start up a discussion and ask away!

Check out my other Gleba mods:

(Which work great with Quality Seeds, and especially Gleba planet start runs!)
- Gleba Lab, a well rounded, mid-tier lab addition!
- Slipstack Agriculture : Propagate stone and spoilage from the Slipstack corals!
- Quality Seeds : A Yumako and Jellynut Fruit quality mod.
- Gleba Uranium Biological processes for obtaining uranium on Gleba!
- Fluroflux : Stingfrond Agriculture Farm the beautiful bioluminescent Stingfronds to create Fluroflux, a highly dense, lasting nutrient.
- Boompuff Agriculture Show the pentapods the reason they stick to the low-lands. Farm Boompuffs today!