Quality Seeds

Provides a way to use those quality seeds, allowing Gleba to be a late-game source of quality materials. For each cultivatable plant (included those added by mods) adds a cultivator building, which can grow those plants using a seed and water as the recipe. Additionally, adds late game options to grow plants in space!

8 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

i About Space Cultivation

19 days ago
(updated 19 days ago)

So funny story, I actually just released a mod that also adds a greenhouse kinda building for Space platforms. I didn't wanna overlap features, but I'd already implemented everything before I realized and figured we're solving two separate problems anyway. It allows you to grow wood in space immediately after unlocking space platforms (important for my other wood-heavy mods). After starting a new save and poking around in the editor to make sure things are compatible, I noticed that we actually had a very similar idea, just very-late-game instead of at the beginning of Space Age, and mine requires a bit more infrastructure because I'm evil.

I'm curious, simply because as we've talked about before, what problem does being able to grow crops late-game solve here? I think it'd be nice to find an elegant way to have cross-compat between our set of mods, since we both have interest in planty things and from what I've seen ours pair pretty well together :)

PS: The custom assets you kitbashed together for the Cultivators are friggin awesome, nice work!

18 days ago

what problem does being able to grow crops late-game solve here?

18 days ago

Thanks, those graphics take longer than they look sometimes with all the fancy space age animation layers going on haha. I've been using Asesprite because no way do I want to go back down the blender rabbit hole just yet.

Regarding your question, the only things you can't get from space in the base game are fruits, uranium, stone. I know that there are mods out there for a stone-like asteroid, which also gives you small amounts of uranium, and so thought I'd do my part to have a space equivalent for fruits for those who are interesting in making a fully self-sufficient space ship that can make all the sciences. What else are you going to do in the end game lol.

Let me know what kind of cross-compability stuff you're thinking, my quality seeds simply detects any plant prototypes, and adds recipes and cultivators for them procedurally. So so long as you define your plant prototypes early enough, they should show up. =-)

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