Quality Seeds

Provides a way to use those quality seeds, allowing Gleba to be a late-game source of quality materials. For each cultivatable plant (included those added by mods) adds a cultivator building, which can grow those plants using a seed and water as the recipe. Additionally, adds late game options to grow plants in space!

8 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

g Missing recycle recipe for cultivators

20 days ago


Don't know if this is intended or not.

20 days ago
(updated 20 days ago)

Ok, if it's not intended behavior then... I found out why it's not being generated at least.

You have require("prototypes.qualitytreesystem") in data-final-fixes, and the recycling recipes are generated before the data-final-fixes life cycle.


20 days ago
(updated 20 days ago)

Next problem after that's potentially fixed, is that the autogenerated recycling recipe (by wube's Quality mod) will have the cultivators as products instead of the ingredients from the cultivator recipes. To fix this, the recipes needs to not have the category "organic". Which is one of the categories that will trigger a "self_recycle". Should probably be "organic-or-assembling" like the Biochamber.

20 days ago

Howdy, cheers for the heads up, quite right, ever since i moved everything to final-fixes (very necessary for the ability to grab plants from other mods like wayward seas) it wont be getting the automated recycling stuff from Quality. I'll make an update in the near future to simply add a recycling recipe for each Cultivator. Not that I see cultivators as an item people would be upcycling or gambling much with but fair is fair!

19 days ago


Well I noticed because I was doing exactly that, upcycling to get Legendary Cultivators :)

If you don't want to manually add the recycling recipes, these 3 one-line changes seems to work for me, to get the recipes generated correctly and keep the code in data-final-fixes:


19 days ago
(updated 19 days ago)

Thanks for the suggestion - whilst I did like the idea of only being able to make the Cultivators in biochambers, that really isn't a huge requirement, and that is a simple fix. I have implemented your changes in the latest version!

19 days ago
(updated 19 days ago)

This fix seems to have broken some things. It seems as though the Quality mod resets the auto_recycle after processing each recipe. As such, if a recipe is marked with auto_recycle = false, then it will proceed as normal the first time, skipping the recycling recipe and then setting auto_recycle = nil, and then Quality Seeds re-runs Quality's data-updates, which sees the recipe again, but this time with auto_recycle set to nil instead of false, so instead of skipping, it instead generates the recycling recipe as though auto-recycling was never disabled.

I first noticed this when I found Chitin from Tenebris in my concrete quality cycler, though I'd imagine this would affect much more than just that.

With that in mind, it might be better to import "__quality__.prototypes.recycling" and then manually call the generate_recycling_recipe function from the returned object for each cultivator.

18 days ago

Oh dear, I should of tested other recycling recipes. I'll remove the auto-recycling and just form my own recipes I think. Its already all done procedurally, and I've written recycling recipes before, itll just be easier. Sorry about that, I will update a fix shortly

17 days ago
(updated 17 days ago)

Sorry for the inconvenience people. I tested those changes for some hours of gameplay and did not notice anything.

New response