Quality Seeds

Provides a way to use those quality seeds, allowing Gleba to be a late-game source of quality materials. For each cultivatable plant (included those added by mods) adds a cultivator building, which can grow those plants using a seed and water as the recipe. Additionally, adds late game options to grow plants in space!

a month ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

g good mod

2 months ago

these mods have come a long way real quick, i think it maybe an idea to start thinking about packaging them up into a gleba expansion style mod, instead of it being separate mods.

2 months ago

Fair enough, I did opt for the idea of having multiple independent mods that are also designed around each other a little, so people can easily pick and choose which ones they want to play with - what if you care not for Stingfronds but really want boompuffs? That also means I don't need to bother much with mod settings to activate or deactivate stuff.

I was considering making a mod "Michael Michaels Gleba Panopoly" , which simply has everything else as dependencies. Which could be the way forward. Is that something you'd have interest in?

2 months ago

i don't want dependencies, dependencies should be always minimized, even when the same guy is making all the mods that are part of it. it should be one mod, if someone doesn't want to use stingfronds and/or boombuff then they can simply not build any. this mods central thing is that you can get quality base gleba materials without the huge UPS destroying giant builds. i was trying to do this before this mod but there were issues with how much you have to build just to farm the seeds to get the base level fruits that i would then run through recyclers to get legendary. this works but is huge and also not symmetrical as you need to do more of one than the other. this mod solves the problem in a way i wish the base game did, the highest compliment you can give a mod.

whatever you do, please add more

2 months ago

Well I thank you for the high praise, I will still have to consider an elegant solution to a packaged mod as a whole. Glad you are enjoying quality seeds and know that I am definitely still adding more fun mods in a Gleba theme over time! If you have any ideas or request, feel free to share, I've been incorporating plenty of good ideas from others regarding balance or features from these discussions!

2 months ago

drop the 'gleba' instead do just plain agriculture for all planets, the gleba stuff for gleba,but imagine plants that can grow on the tile type left over after using a nuke. you have to use nukes to create the ground the plants grow on/plants you can only get through genetically engineering the first seeds from existing seeds, like recipe: jelly nut seeds,tree seeds +some kind of radiation product from uranium = 0.5%(a very low chance) 'jellytree' seeds/ a type of plant you can grow on vulcanus that produces carbon/plants you can grow that absorb pollution but produce something that is a waste product you have to deal with(tree farms on steroids) /consider adding a new agricultural module that is a speed/prod/eff module all in one for only agricultural recipes(had this in angels mods/ if you just take a load of the stuff of angels mods(regarding growing stuff) and put a fresh coat of paint on it and build it with the idea of space age compatibility you give players that are just sitting waiting for angels to update (me) some farming stuff to do, i'm not saying fork/use angels stuff just inspiration.

when i say add more can you see why i don't want it to all be separate mods, imagine if each of the plants you could grow in angels were a separate mod. also quite a few people install factorio on other devices that might not have the internet access to use the in game mod downloader and use this site directly to get mods in advance, dependencies don't download automatically this way so you can end up with not being able to run the mods until you get back to your normal internet connection to download the dependencies you forgot. imagine you download maraxis drive 75 miles from your internet connection and try to play only to find out it had dependencies and you didn't get them. to be fair you do things the way you want, i'm sure the issue with dependencies is not a big deal for most players. you are way ahead in the race to get some cool farming themed stuff into space age so i can't help but be hopeful for the future of this mod.

2 months ago

something you could do sooner would be make slipstack polyps craftable in space. unless its intended to be something you have to bring in from gleba. but its actually easier to make on gleba as its free water, i gotta work for the water in space.

2 months ago

The nuked terrain idea has some leverage, I like that, and will think on something to incorporate it.

Slipstacks in space and not being able to craft their seed is an issue that I overlooked. It doesn't make sense to just use any water (the recipe is locked to gleba as its like your filtering the Gleba marshes for the polyps to make the slipstacks) ... maybe there can be an alternative recipe that is a bit more expensive but can work from slipstack products. Maybe slipstacks should give Jelly, not spoilage, and you can craft the polyps from the jelly too.

2 months ago

idk about jelly,it might be better to leave the jelly to the jellynut.

a recipe to 'breed' polyps something like 15 second craft time, bunch of water, nutrients,1 polyp in 1 polyp out X% chance to get additional polyp, and for a little spice make it a cryoplant recipe but not able to use productivity modules.i'm saying this just to have an excuse for more building variety i think of it like it freezes the polyps and splits it then tries to regrow the 2 halves. i think theres a lot of possiblities with the cryoplant crossing over into agricultural stuff. cryogenic techs ,preservation, cooling for an agricultural process.etc

growing stuff in space is a lot of fun , really cool doing more stuff in space, makes a change from everything in space being so asteroid based.

2 months ago

100%, the cryoplant was initially a big part of this mod in the early days with the coolant, and some of the background explanations for gmo mutation biology stuff. I like that idea too - you only need this recipe after you get past aquilo and want a science space ship anyway.

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