Interesting changes, but dont forget that the seed looping recipe has an in-built 50% productivity boost, so even without any productivity modules the current 'meta' for legendary fruits would be to run the seed-fruits loop via cultivators and supplement the seeds with the seed looping recipe (1 seed -> 1.5 seeds), with the pentapod eggs also falling into the same 1 -> 1.5 ratio and thus not needing to be supplemented.
The way I see it the pentapod eggs should be inherently negative; so a recipe of 1 -> 0.5 will be an effective 1 -> 0.75 due to the +50% prod and require the player to add more pentapod eggs of the correct quality via the regular pentapod egg recipe.
In terms of the seeds though, keeping it at 1 -> 1 (1 -> 1.5 effective) means quality rolling is unnecessary as its a positive loop - which is fine - as making it negative would require a very complicated setup of quality rolling the seed recirculation recipe and multiple qualities of nutrients that make recycling loops much better by comparison.
As for the cultivation building, the recipe should be changed to output 10 fruits instead of 15 in order to break even with legendary productivity modules in both the cultivation building and the fruit processing building. That way during mid-game you can get consistent legendary fruits via seed recirculation, and end-game you can remove seed recirculation entirely if you can make legendary productivity modules at scale, but not before that point.