Hi Facto25, thanks for checking out the mod!
The steam concept came about with the idea of, well the cultivation probably should require water (especially as the agricultural graphic base already has built in pipes!) as I wanted the building of these things to be cumbersome and take up lots of your precious agricultural space. So I thought, heck, what if you could capture the spores as a fluid/steam and purposefully release them at a more heavily defended location or something, bait attacks etc. That idea could have merit, but went beyond the scope of the mod - I originally just wanted to plant quality trees - but that's impossible / far beyond my ability to mod to my knowledge. Nethertheless I liked the idea of an annoying fluid output too - so made steam, and figured you could use it for energy it if I made it hot, but I purposefully lowered it so that the steam represented the humidity control within the building working, with the idea that you need to condense it to water, and feed it back into the system with priority to get rid of it. As its more of a annoying by-product.
Let me know what you think of the spore idea - with a way to control when and where to release those spores?
Also concepts in the works:
- removing uranium as a requirement for mutation recipe - its simply not super viable after some play-testing. (its easier to gamble seeds up and prod module them than to wait for 40 legendary uraniums)
- Changing the fruit recipe to 15 and calibrating it, so it would require at least 8x rare prod 2 modules to slightly break even on seed retrieval. (The idea of the mod was that using the greenhouses wouldn't quite break your seeds back even (unless you had late-game prod modules), so you needed to invest something to top up the legendary seed output. Although maybe this is making it too hard/late-game
I understand the idea of using it for a bit of extra power, and considered it, but didn't go that direction, because its not really a scalable part of the factory, and you're typically at nuclear or fission by this stage of the game. The greenhouses do emit a fair amount of spores which require late game control and defenses I believe.
Do you think a higher temp would be nice - so you could easily make your outposts energy self-sufficient? Could be neat to then ship the spores away from the "mining" outputs too I suppose!