Quality of Life research

Adds bonuses and optionally research for bigger bags (more inventory space), movement/walking/running speed, character hand crafting speed, long reach (optional far resource reach), and player mining speed. Use settings to choose which ones you want, either through research or by just choosing a value yourself.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g [Answered] RPG Mod compatible?

11 months ago

I made a post on the RPG System mod, but might as well make one here as well-
Does this mod clash with the similarly-achieving level-up system from the RPG System mod?
Or will all the effects from both mods stack rather than overwrite?

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

Because this mod uses technologies (research) to apply its benefits (even when you use the settings menu), its compatibility with other mods is generally really good, and any benefits stack.

If you want certain benefits to be handled exclusively by RPG system, or you want it to be a mixture, you can tune this mod's benefits down a bit, or even make a fully custom configuration (see the FAQ for more details).

11 months ago

Ah, thank you very much!
That's good to know!

New response