Can I manually remove this technologies?
The reason you don't see it listed, is because it was never in there in the first place. Version of the mod before 2.5.0 would fail to load in 0.18.13, as a consequence, the only versions compatible with 0.18.13 do not add any logistic slots.
Running /c for _, tech in pairs(game.technology_prototypes) do if'qol') then log( end end
on your savefile results in these technologies: paste
As you can see, nothing related to logistic slots is in there.
As for why it is crashing, I can't tell, I no longer have source code access to Factorio, so I can't look into the C++ side of things and see what's causing it. Overall, it's just waiting for Wube to respond to you and for them to fix it.
Running /c for _, tech in pairs(game.player.force.technologies) do if'qolinternal%-') then tech.researched = false end end
will unresearch all internal technologies, which consequently removes any effects that QoL has on your savefile. (The internal technologies can be synced back up to the normal technologies with /qol-reset
.) However, the game still crashes. This makes me think that the problem is unrelated to this mod.
Undoing all researches from this mod (/c for _, tech in pairs(game.player.force.technologies) do if'qol') then tech.researched = false end end
) still causes the crash.
Undoing all the researches, and then removing the mod, still causes it to crash.
I'm not convinced there's any relationship between the crash and this mod, so I'll mark this as invalid, however, if you feel like it is somehow still related, feel free to ping me again. My recommendation is to stay on the previous patch for now, and wait for Wube the fix the underlying crash.