Pyanodons Petroleum Handling

Adds realistic petrochemical processing into Factorio. Process bitumen hydrocarbons into hundreds of products and drill deep for underground oil deposits.

6 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b Glassworks recipe inconsistency

4 years ago

I dont know whether to put this bug here since the building is from pycp but the recipes are from pyph so i will post it here.
When you look at the inputs to the glassworks for the hot air petri dish and hot air glassware, even though they take the same resources (fuel, hot air, molten glass), the petri dish recipe has the glass input from the far side of fuel with the hot air on the same side, while the glassware has the inputs reversed (hot air on the far side of fuel and glass on the same side).
Not gamebreaking but a (should be easy to fix) QOL feature nontheless.

4 years ago

I dont know whether to put this bug here since the building is from pycp but the recipes are from pyph so i will post it here.
When you look at the inputs to the glassworks for the hot air petri dish and hot air glassware, even though they take the same resources (fuel, hot air, molten glass), the petri dish recipe has the glass input from the far side of fuel with the hot air on the same side, while the glassware has the inputs reversed (hot air on the far side of fuel and glass on the same side).
Not gamebreaking but a (should be easy to fix) QOL feature nontheless.

ive already looked into and its not as easy as you would think. do to the way the recipes are made and how factorio handles fluids they get mixed up. i can fix it but its going to take so time to do. itll get done but it wont be released till we do the next mod release so as to not break everyone's factories with recipe changes like this.

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