Pyanodons Petroleum Handling
Pyanodons Petroleum Handling is a mod for Factorio that adds petroleum handling recipes to every stage of the game with gradually increasing complexity. Discover realistic petrochemical processing to feed your ever-thirsty factory and build a hydraulic fracking rig to extract every drop of fuel from this planet.
- Advanced processes for tar, oil, natural gas, and petroleum products.
- Several new minable resources including oil sands, kerogen, shale, and coalbed gas. Each requiring unique mining techniques.
- 100s of uniquely spirited items & fluids. 15+ animated machines for both high resolution and low resolution.
- Hundreds of optional recipes to improve player freedom and playstyle.
- Community-made translations for over a dozen languages.
- 100% multiplayer compatibility.
- Free and open source software.
The first stage of hydrocarbon processing. Use tons of steam to break down tar into useful byproducts.
Balance production of creosote, pitch, anthracene oil, and several other fluids.
An earlygame precursor to full petroleum handling.
Condensates & distillates
After mastering tar processing, unlock the full complexity of petroleum handling. Use hundreds of recipes to crack oil sands or crude oil into both solid and fluid products. Almost all recipes are optional, choose whichever ones best fit your specific factory and playstyle. Many steps in this process will require purified metal catalysts.
The final stage in Pyanodons Petroleum Handling. This technology allows you to send rockets high into the atmosphere and collect pure compounds. Higher elevations allow for heavier and heavier compounds to be collected. Due to the high cost of rocket launches, the choice to use tholins is always a tradeoff between recipe complexity and material expense.
Recommended 3rd party mods
- Recipe browser such as FNEI or Recipe Book
- Ratio calculator such as Factory Planner, Helmod, or YAFC
- Loader mod such as Deadlocks Beltboxes & Loaders, Inserter cranes, Bulk Rail Loaders, or AAI loaders
- Use of Resource Spawner Overhaul (RSO) is NOT recommended.
It will cause certain resources such as geothermal vents to be extremely common.
Instead try the in-game Pyanodon preset from the world generation menu.
Community resources
- Pyanodon - 3D Graphics, Sound design, Mod founder
- Kingarthur - Realistic recipes, Data-stage programming, Scripted mechanics
- Notnotmelon - pY codex, Scripted mechanics
- Mootykins - Maintenance, Worldgen preset
- ShadowGlass - Tech tree, Recipe balancing, Tooling
- Quintuple - Menu simulations
- Archezekiel - 3D Graphics