Pyanodons Petroleum Handling

Adds realistic petrochemical processing into Factorio. Process bitumen hydrocarbons into hundreds of products and drill deep for underground oil deposits.

3 months ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b "Error loading mods"

3 years ago

The following error appears when attempting to restart factorio with this mod enabled:-

Failed to load mods:pypetroleumhandling/prototypes/functions/functions.lua:435: attempt to index '?' (a nil value) stack traceback:
pypetroleumhandling/prototypes/functions/functions.lua:435: in function 'hotairrecipes'
--pypetroleumhandling__/data-final-fixes.lua:42: in main chunk

Any suggestions please?

3 years ago

Yes: The crash occurs because data.raw.item["ht-pipes"] doesn't exist. If you install Pyanodons HighTech, the game will load successfully.

@pyanodon: Please fix that by adding a dependency on pyhightech! :-)

3 years ago

Yes: The crash occurs because data.raw.item["ht-pipes"] doesn't exist. If you install Pyanodons HighTech, the game will load successfully.

@pyanodon: Please fix that by adding a dependency on pyhightech! :-)

that error is almost 3 weeks old and im pretty sure it was already fixed. and its not supposed to have a dependency on pyhightech or it already would have one.

3 years ago

that error is almost 3 weeks old and im pretty sure it was already fixed.

The error happens with Factorio 1.0, which still is the stable version. It happens when Alien Life is active. Perhaps it's solved for Factorio 1.1 -- don't know, I couldn't test this because in 1.1 I get the following crash:

  12.848 Mods to disable:Failed to load mods: Error in assignID: item with name 'silicon' does not exist.

Source: mold (recipe).

Mods to be disabled:
• pyalienlife (1.9.13)

By the way, I've just got bitten by this bug while I was testing the next release of Bio Industries. We support both the stable and the experimental branch of Factorio. (In case you wonder why: The latest double release was just 3 days ago, and the version for Factorio 0.18/1.0 has been downloaded 1.5 times more than the version for Factorio 1.1 -- 767 vs. 513 times, as of right now. For me, that's a good enough reason to be compatible with stable Factorio.)

and its not supposed to have a dependency on pyhightech or it already would have one.

To be honest, I never played with any of the Py mods yet (mostly because I haven't played at all in the past 6+ months), so I don't know how the individual mods are supposed to work together. However, I do know that I've got the crash, that I've dug around for what caused it, and that the crash didn't happen anymore once I installed pyhightech. So I think it may be worthwhile to have another look at it -- mistakes happen! (Just found a new bug in BI that pops up in some situations because I've moved some recipe unlocks around.)

3 years ago

The error happens with Factorio 1.0, which still is the stable version. It happens when Alien Life is active.

Sorry, that's not quite correct! This happened when I activated pyalienlife, but only because it pulled in pyrawores as well.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

The following error appears when attempting to restart factorio with this mod enabled:-

Failed to load mods:pypetroleumhandling/prototypes/functions/functions.lua:435: attempt to index '?' (a nil value) stack traceback:
pypetroleumhandling/prototypes/functions/functions.lua:435: in function 'hotairrecipes'
--pypetroleumhandling__/data-final-fixes.lua:42: in main chunk

Any suggestions please?

I'm getting exactly the same error, and I have the entire Pyanodon suite of mods installed. It seems to be an issue only with Pyanodon Petroleum Handling because everything else loads.

3 years ago

I am getting the same thing but with the error of trying to index "normal" happens with TBA on or off has the same error only changes what mod complains about it.

New response