... or is the 500-degree Combustion Mixture recipe the ONLY way to reheat Coke Oven Gas from 100 to 500 degrees? And does that recipe even work (FNEI is, of course... not the best with temperature variances)? That recipe is locked behind Complex Circuit Boards (required to build the "nonregenerative" Heat Exchanger), and, to be honest, that seems... kind of silly... just to reheat a gas, and especially a gas whose near-only purpose right now is to warm up bricks to make hot air. Is there some other green-level tech I may be missing that would unlock a less... involved... recipe? I don't mind silly so much (I mean... I'm playing full Pyanodon!), as long as the silly makes some kind of sense. This one doesn't seem to make much sense.
I am using FNEI, so if that mod is failing to list the recipe, fine, I can go bother that mod. But I sure could use a little guidance here. I mean, to be clear, I'm really not looking at setting up Complex Circuit Boards for a little while, at least. I haven't even automated SIMPLE Circuit Boards yet. So should I just be voiding the cold Coke Oven Gas in the interim? I mean, I can do that; I've got one productive Red Hot Coke line up and am probably looking at a second one, but it sure seems wasteful for such a niche item.
Thanks in advance for any help - love this mod suite.