Pyanodons Petroleum Handling

Adds realistic petrochemical processing into Factorio. Process bitumen hydrocarbons into hundreds of products and drill deep for underground oil deposits.

25 days ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b Game can't launch after updating coal processing and raw ores.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Error message received at the loading mods part of start-up.
Error messaage here

EDIT: After further testing, despite the error message saying "coalprocessing", it seems the raw ores patch is the one at fault.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Confirmed. The raw ores update is causing coalprocessing to throw an exception on game load

I rolled back to pyrawore 1.8.8 to fix it.

4 years ago

after last update failed to load mods pypetroleumhandling/data-udates.lua12:...ndling...
how can i roll back the game i cant paly now (
thanks for help

4 years ago

ok last petroliom update fixed it thanks )

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