Pyanodons Fusion Energy

Adds expensive and complicated fusion energy production chains to Factorio. Create huge amounts of energy at the cost of a massive initial investment.

2 days ago
Manufacturing Power

g Molybdenum mining result bug

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)


Some player reported a bug with my mod and yours :

After some analysis this is because the molybdenum mining result doesn't have the name field declared excplicitly as expected :

in pyfusionenergy_2.0.6\prototypes\ore\molybdenum.lua

minable = {
  -- mining_particle = "molybdenum-ore-particle",
    mining_time = 3,
    results = {
      {"molybdenum-ore", 1}

the fix would be :

minable = {
  -- mining_particle = "molybdenum-ore-particle",
  mining_time = 3,
  results = {
        type = "item",
        amount = 1

I see that in some other ore entity are defined as such like in pyfusionenergy_2.0.6\prototypes\ore\regolites.lua

I guess this was an older factorio entity format that must be retrocompatible in the game engine. Would be great if you could change it so other mod don't have to add this kind of retro compatibility.

Thanks !

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

There are other ore with the same issue for exemple oil-sand and probably other sorry can't provide an full list, they crash one after another.

7 months ago

There are many other :D

I think I found a fix for this so never mind !

New response