P.U.M.P. with H.O.T.K.E.Y. (pulled and deprecated) deprecated

DEPRECATED: GO USE P.U.M.P. BY XCONE. WE GOT OUR PULL REQUEST ACCEPTED BOIZE AND GOILZE!!! WOOOOOO! P.U.M.P. with H.O.T.K.E.Y. (Prevent Unwanted Manual Pump-placement, Hold On - That Kills Efficiency, Yo!) adds a hotkeyed selection-tool for oil wells to plan the layout of pumpjacks and pipes without having to doitchaself or *shudder* click a ui button.

1 year, 1 month ago


Version: 1.3.4
Date: 08 Aug 2023
    - Pruned superfluous per-user setting
    - Incompatible dependency entry for P.U.M.P. to discourage mistaken dual usage
Version: 1.3.3
Date: 07 Aug 2023
    - Added hotkey support
    - _codegreen
    - https://discord.com/channels/139677590393716737/306402592265732098/1138225784092381284
    - Item prototype flag "only-in-cursor"
    - sharparam
    - https://discord.com/channels/139677590393716737/306402592265732098/1138278375396474890
    - Localization heading [x] for unknownkey=x.y
    - fgardt
    - https://discord.com/channels/139677590393716737/306402592265732098/1138291188563198043
    - https://wiki.factorio.com/Tutorial:Mod_changelog_format
Version: 1.3.2
Date: 2023-03-17
    - Fixed total game freeze, adding a limit to how far the search area for the next power-pole can grow and aborts when it exceeds the limit.
    - Fixed being unable to place a 2x2 power-pole (substation) in a very small selection by extending the outer-trim of the selection by 1 additional cell.
    - Fixed a nil-error when attempting to call the function 'find_oilwells'
Version: 1.3.1
Date: 2023-03-05  
    - Russian localisation file updated; kindly provided by https://github.com/Astorin
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 2023-03-05
    - Added cancel button to close the menu without building anything.
    - Added capturing on_gui_closed (ESC) to cancel the menu.
    - Added mod-setting to always show the menu each time P.U.M.P. is used. When disabled, it'll only show on request (holding shift) or when new options are available. It's enabled by default.
    - Added checkbox for the mod-setting on the menu as well.
    - The date in the changelog for the 1.2.1 release had a wrong value, which is now corrected.
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 2023-03-03
    - Remove debug output
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 2023-03-03
    - Added placing ghosts for electric poles.
    - Added extra option to skip placing ghosts electric poles, in case manual placement is preferred.
    - Swapped order of change-log (newest on top, consistent with most other mods)
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 2023-02-13  
    - Russian localisation file; kindly provided by https://github.com/Astorin
Version: 1.1.5
Date: 2023-02-11  
    - Perform a 'raise_script_built' event for the ghosts placed by P.U.M.P.
Version: 1.1.4
Date: 2023-02-11
    - Added check that potential extractors have an output-fluidbox. This allows other mods to add solid-resources to the P.U.M.P. selection tool that are turned liquid by their specific extractors; while keeping the risk of attaching to a (for instance) sulfuric acid input to a minimum.
Version: 1.1.3
Date: 2021-10-16
    - Fixed issue of occasionally a pump not being connected, due to it plan being overwritten by another pump connecting to the same pipe segment.
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 2021-04-28
    - Dialog only shows pipes that have a matching pipe-to-ground (based on vanilla naming; by adding '-to-ground' to the pipe name)
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 2021-01-29
    - Fixed changelog not visible in game due to wrong formatting.
    - Fixed warning showing up in the logs for icon-mipmaps.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 2021-01-24
    - Check research requirements for extractors and pipes before offering them in the selection menu.
    - Added setting to ignore the research requirements for extractors and pipes.
    - Removed the tech requirement for the P.U.M.P. shortcut, which has become obsolete due to the added features.
Version: 1.0.2
Date: 2021-01-21
    - Added pipe-selection to the selection menu.
    - Fix crash when an extractor larger then 3x3 is used.  
    - Tiles are no longer being removed. They were unintentionally being removed as well when clearing the area of trees and rocks.
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 2021-01-02
    - Factorio 1.1.6 compatibility.
    - Tiles are no longer being removed. They were unintentionally being removed as well when clearing the area of trees and rocks.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 2020-12-01
    - Factorio 1.1 compatibility.
    - Ignore/deconstruct trees and rocks.
Version: 0.1.10
Date: 2020-09-19
    - Fixed issue where tunnel would not always be placed for 2 parallel pipes without space in between.
Version: 0.1.9
Date: 2020-09-16
    - Added menu to select miner for the resource you've selected. 
    - The menu remembers the selection that was made and won't show until new options are available.
    - The menu won't show if there's only 1 option available.
    - The menu can be forcefully shown, regardless of above conditions, using the alternative selection. This is activated with the same keybinding as 'Select for cancel deconstruction', default=Shift+LeftMouse.
Version: 0.1.8
Date: 2020-08-31
    - Fix issue where a tunnel could be planned 1 too long, resulting in the exit of the pump meeting with the side of an underground pipe.
    - Fix out-of-bounds obstruction checking, leading to crash.
Version: 0.1.7
Date: 2020-08-29
    - Disabled shortcut now has a P.U.M.P. icon instead of a blueprint icon.
    - Added values for item name and sorting.
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 2020-05-04
    - Check if setting to interface with Module Inserter exists.
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 2020-05-04
    - If 'Module Inserter' is installed, retrieve and apply module configuration for the entities placed by P.U.M.P.. If 'Module Inserter' is not installed, no modules are added.
    - Add setting to enable/disable the usage of 'Module Inserter'. If 'Module Inserter' is not installed, the setting is hidden. It's enabled by default.
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 2020-05-02
    - Improve behavior for very small selections.
    - Add support for any liquid resource for which a suitable miner is available. If there's multiple miner types available for the same resource, the one Factorio returns first is picked. Rectangular shaped miners are excluded due to limitations in the planner routine.
    - Retrieve miner's pipe output position and size from its prototype. If there are mutliple output resources, or multiple outputs for the same resource, the ones Factorio returns first are picked.
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 2020-04-27
    - Miscalutation in underground pipe distance.
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 2020-04-27
    - Start underground pipe directly from pump output when possible.
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 2020-04-24
    - Bug when detection to place multiple underground pipes for a longer distance failed, and would instead place the remaining distance above ground.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2020-04-20
    - P.U.M.P. selection tool available for the shurtcut bar.
    - For all oil wells within a selection, ghosts for pumpjacks and the pipes connecting the pumpjacks will be placed.
    - Underground pipes will be used as much as possible.