
by Xcone

P.U.M.P. (Prevent Unwanted Manual Pump-placement) adds a selection-tool with which you can select oil wells, and then plans the layout of pumpjacks and pipes for you.

24 days ago
0.18 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Blueprints

g Exotic industries compatiblity

1 year, 6 months ago

how hard would it be to adapt this mod to the deep drill miners from EI?

this mod adds ore veins that function a lot like oil deposits but generate ores instead of liquid.

1 year, 6 months ago

Hi, could you elaborate on your wish/request and potentially provide a save file (please upload it via Github, or share a link to a save-file here). I'm not familiar with Exotic Resource mod, so I'm missing a lot of context, I think.

P.U.M.P. takes away the tedium of all the pipe-output-connections between pumps. If the output of said resources are ores instead of fluids, then what exactly would be the added benefit of using P.U.M.P.?

P.U.M.P. also should be very flexible in what kind of resources it'll work for. Basically, if the output of a miner is a liquid, P.U.M.P. should be able to detect it and offer the suitable miners/pumps for the resource, and then do the pipework for you. So if you expect P.U.M.P. to be useful, but it isn't, there might be something 'exotic' (badum-tss) going on.

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

your mods works great for oil with Exotic Industries, but this mod has the unique feature where in addition to the regular ore fields it spawns deep ore veins.
image: https://imgur.com/7mhAsZt

it also adds a special miner that goes on top of them. they don't produce a liquid, but ore chunks. (it does take a liquid though)
image: https://imgur.com/p6nlttA

placing them and hooking up "drill fluid" (which they require to work) is kinda annoying, just like setting up oil fields. if your mod could automate that, that'd be really nice. but I've no idea if that would be easy or really hard to make work. if it's a lot of work to get that functional it's probably not really worth it.

if you want a save file to mess around with I can give you my current one. it's pretty close to the end of the mod in terms of tech unlocks.
link: https://we.tl/t-gB5M3czR9G

1 year, 6 months ago

I see. You wish to utilize P.U.M.P. for the liquid input, instead of the output as P.U.M.P. currently does.

I imagine it might not be hard per-se, but I can see how P.U.M.P. will then also suddenly activate for a resource like uranium in vanilla. And that'll go poorly, because P.U.M.P. assumes it should place miner/pump on every resource node, causing them to overlap in the planning phase.

So it would only be feasible if the game provides some form of indication if a resource is a continuous field or not.
No promises, but I'll try to have a look if something like that exists. If you already know, please share :-)

In the meantime you might also have a peek at another mod. This one does work work uranium in vanilla. Though I imagine it'll run into the same kind of issue, where this mod only assumes continuous fields, instead of separate nodes. But who knows, maybe they've figured something out.

1 year, 6 months ago

So it would only be feasible if the game provides some form of indication if a resource is a continuous field or not.
No promises, but I'll try to have a look if something like that exists. If you already know, please share :-)

I'm not sure if I understand "continuous field" correctly, but these deep ore veins do run out eventually. they're not infinite like oil patches usually are.
I do know that YARM can read these fields of deep ore veins correctly. I've no idea if that helps.

also, that other mod looks really cool too. thanks!

1 year, 6 months ago

I'm sorry, I don't know the proper term. I didn't mean continuous in terms of depletion, but in terms of distance between resource tiles. The game is made up of tiles. A small power-pole is 1x1 tile, a factory is 3x3 tiles, etc.

Ores generate in a field. Each tile in that field consist 1x1 resource nodes, all adjacent to each other without distance in between. You can put a miner on it and it mines a range of 5x5 tiles of ore.
Oil wells don't generate adjacent to each other. An oil well is a 1x1 resource, but there's distance between each well with enough space in order to put a 3x3 pump on it. Putting an additional pump on the next well can be safely done without the pumps overlapping.

It's that last detail that P.U.M.P. relies on, and I fear something that can no longer be relied on once I start supporting pipe-inputs because of uranium fields in vanilla. Unless I can read from the game-data if a resource generates more like an iron ore field, or like an oil well field.

Anyway, point being, I need to take a bit of care with your request. But I'm not opposed to it. Factorio is a bit of low priority thing for me at the moment though. So I'm unsure in what kind of time-frame I'll get around to fiddling with your request.

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

maybe you mean contiguous. :)
I had a look at the EI code and this is where I think the ore veins get defined: https://github.com/PreLeyZero/exotic-industries/blob/main/prototypes/electricity_age/drill-deposits.lua

I didn't see anything obviously useful there, but I assume you'll have a far better idea of what to look for. it does look to me he defines the patches and then wraps the the built-in autoplace function into a custom version but with the same fields.
so... it should work the same as vanilla patches? dunnolol.

and take your time. I'm not expecting to get much out of this till my next playthrough of this mod anyway lol.
I was just thinking EI as a mod is getting pretty popular pretty quickly, and I'm sure a lot of people would think support for it by this mod would be neat.

1 year, 3 months ago

I can see great potential in having this mod collaborate with Mining patch planner mod https://mods.factorio.com/mod/mining-patch-planner

1 year, 3 months ago

Does it?
I don't immediately see the overlap. I mean.., sure.., both help you get your resource extraction with a click of a button. But the resource layouts, the problems they pose, and the solutions towards those problems are very different between the mods. They will remain 2 entirely different beasts. The only value it'd bring is one less shortcut button and 1 more tuned (but more complex, due to extra options) menu to pick your options.

But maybe due to my Factorio hiatus I just don't see the opportunities that you see. I invite you to elaborate.

1 year, 3 months ago

hmh, I suppose you are correct, these mods do solve quite different problems.

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