Adds a curated set of planets in a new system. Each planet has specific presets for how it can generate. Tiles are tinted from Vulcanus, and liquid is water tiles that are tinted. 6 planets - 2 scrap planets. 6 science. Major payoffs include promethium productivity, and biter egg productivity - with many more to come.
Still needs polish and balance work. Mod is functional but raw.
There is a entire new crafting chain to get iron and copper metal from minerals. (CuO,CuS,Cu2(CO3)(OH) ; Fe3O4,FeCO3,FeS) You have multiple ways to handle processing this ore into metals, with ~3 new buildings dedicated to processing these ores. Processing these ores produces gangue - a waste product that must be managed with fluorine chemistry.
I have added recipes such that each planet is possible,regardless of the preset. You'll want to think about how to get iron,copper,stone,fluorine,sulfur,water and carbon to ensure you can make everything you need.
Meteors produce stone - so good luck transporting infinite items all the way to the alpha system. (250000 km). You'll have to rethink logistics and space transport to get main system stuff to the alpha system.
You can reach the alpha system from Fulgora.
Science pack and scrap recipes are procedural created from a preset
-Add Changelog
-Fix planet icons not showing on star map.
-Make a visual guide for how to process these ores.
-Make github public. (Tis private for now)
-Algorithmic planet connections - current set up is temporary.
-Ensure this works nicely with redrawn space connections
-Specifically playtest recycling and science production
Special thanks to Malcom for the ore renders and crystal renders! I recolored them as needed. Here is his stuff.