One thing that space age failed to capture from space exploration is a sense of planetary conquest. Every planetary invasion was different and it always kept the gameplay fresh even if I was invading that planet for some reason besides getting a QOL tech research. Commanding multiple battlefronts on multiple planets with the aai vehicles mod was something else. I haven't had that much fun since the golden days of rts games.
I don't want to have even more techs locked away on some random mod planet I don't care about. There need to be more generic planets and having harder enemies is a plus, but I don't want to be forced to go there just to get some essential tech. I want to build up my military industrial complex first AND THEN go kick some ass.
This is exactly the type of mod we need more of. I would have ended up personally making some generic planet mods that don't lock away tech of my own if someone else hadn't have already done it first because it's that important to me.