Planet Froodara

Froodara is a primordial planet that you start on that offers no reward; technology, or unique resource.

a month ago

g Why?

2 months ago

I am interested why are you creating so many basic planetary mods? Theres no progress, no technologies or machines to get, no new enemies to ask for forgiveness and no new tiles to decorate your factory with.

2 months ago

The plan is for about 20-30 different 'planets' or so that are more like map presets; some more involved than others or mixing exisiting scenarios.

This is in a bucket that I'm labeling as T0.. which would act as starter planets; without Uranium i.e. players still need to go to Nauvis to be the source of Uranium / for reactors (pair really well with the Nuclear Science mod). Then generate a random solar system with a random start, random inner planets, and random end planets.

On Comfy we go through a Space Age server every week, and I'd like to bring in some variation into the mix so each run is different.

2 months ago

Wow, yeah, rotating world each week would make playing dull over time. Now these mods make sense, haha

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

"rotating world each week would make playing dull over time" what do you mean by that? or you mean rotating server?

a month ago

i think they mean "rotating planets each week would make playing LESS dull over time"?

30 days ago
(updated 30 days ago)

One thing that space age failed to capture from space exploration is a sense of planetary conquest. Every planetary invasion was different and it always kept the gameplay fresh even if I was invading that planet for some reason besides getting a QOL tech research. Commanding multiple battlefronts on multiple planets with the aai vehicles mod was something else. I haven't had that much fun since the golden days of rts games.

I don't want to have even more techs locked away on some random mod planet I don't care about. There need to be more generic planets and having harder enemies is a plus, but I don't want to be forced to go there just to get some essential tech. I want to build up my military industrial complex first AND THEN go kick some ass.

This is exactly the type of mod we need more of. I would have ended up personally making some generic planet mods that don't lock away tech of my own if someone else hadn't have already done it first because it's that important to me.

30 days ago

@Xeraster try giving a go. It's in that vein and I'd like to see more of them.

If you have ideas you'd like to add, I have a Google doc that I use for notes but I think having more planets, definitely ones where you wage war would be fun. Lots of different takes are welcome.

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