I'm getting an error starting Factorio from Pipelayer. It is likely related to a recent update to Advanced fluid handling.
2.286 Loading mod settings pipelayer 0.5.1 (settings.lua)
2.289 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
2.342 Loading mod base 1.1.101 (data.lua)
2.538 Loading mod pipelayer 0.5.1 (data.lua)
2.554 Loading mod underground-pipe-pack 1.1.3 (data.lua)
2.603 Loading mod base 1.1.101 (data-updates.lua)
2.622 Loading mod pipelayer 0.5.1 (data-updates.lua)
2.746 Checksum for core: 905122912
2.746 Checksum of base: 1054619811
2.746 Checksum of pipelayer: 1635851165
2.746 Checksum of stdlib: 0
2.746 Checksum of underground-pipe-pack: 3213853964
2.982 Error ModManager.cpp:1625: Error while running setup for entity prototype "pipelayer-bpproxy-underground-i-t2-pipe" (pipe-to-ground): next_upgrade target (underground-i-t3-pipe) must have the same collision mask.