Palette Cleanser

Adjusts game colors to accommodate colorblind players.

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.17


Q: Can I add/remove this from my existing game?

A: Yes. This mod doesn't change any game functionality, only colors and a few graphics. It is safe to add or remove at any time.

The only minor inconvenience is that the map will not automatically revert to default colors after removing Palette Cleanser. In order to successfully restore default map colors and disable this mod, follow these steps:

  1. From the Factorio main menu, go to Settings --> Mod Settings --> Startup
  2. Under Palette Cleanser, uncheck "Enhance resource and terrain colors on map" and Confirm settings
  3. Load your game, give it a minute to redraw the map, then save it
  4. Then disable Palette Cleanser and you're all set.

Alternatively, if you've already disabled Palette Cleanser, you can use the console command: /c game.forces.player.rechart() at any time to redraw the map, but doing so will disable achievements for that save.

Q: I changed some colors in the mod files, but the map still displays the old colors.

A: The game itself doesn't automatically update map colors after an area has been rendered. To solve this, Palette Cleanser attempts to automatically detect if any map colors changed, and will refresh the map if needed. However, changes to mod files (like color-schemes.lua) go undetected, so Palette Cleanser includes a hotkey (default Control-M) to update the map with the currently chosen color palette.