One More Tier

by Jakzie

Adds one more (faster but more expensive) tier of Electric furnace, Ore refinery, Chemical plant, Assembling machine, Long handed inserter, Lab, Pumpjack, Pipe, Offshore pump, Storage tank, Transport belt, Electric mining drill, Roboport and Centrifuge. You can enable/disable any of these in mod settings as well as change both speed and energy usage.

3 years ago
1.0 - 1.1

g Compatibility between Pollution Solutions Fix, One More Tier, and Additional Turrets Updated

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello, I am having a strange incompatibility issue between the combination of these 3 mods:
- PollutionSolutionsFix (1.0.8)
- Additional-Turret-updated (0.3.8)
- one-more-tier (1.1.5)

This is the error I receive when I attempt to enable these 3 mods at the same time:

Error loading mods

Failed to load mods: Error while running setup for entity prototype "pipe-to-ground" (pipe-to-ground): next_upgrade target (omt-pipe-to-ground) must have the same collision mask.

Mods to be disabled:

  • PollutionSolutionsFix (1.0.8)
  • Additional-Turret-updated (0.3.8)
  • one-more-tier (1.1.5)

Can anyone please point me in the right direction of troubleshooting this issue further?

Cross referencing the mod discussion posts here:
- Pollution Solutions Fix post
- One More Tier post
- Additional turrets post

3 years ago

Hello, I haven't tested it, only looked in the code of Pollution Solutions.
Pollution Solutions should have a mod setting called "Pipe collision", so try changing that and let me know if it helped.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi Jakzie, I turned on the "Pipe collision" setting (t was off originally), and then enabled the other two mods, and they loaded.

Thank you for the help! Though I'm not sure what to do with this bug report now :)

3 years ago

Nice, I'm glad it solved the issue. Enjoy playing!

New response