I play with your modpack and with others. For example, I play with the PyCoal modpack, and you have noticed that there is a critical error here. It is not possible to get science pack 2 if your modpack and pycoal are played together. Why? Quite simply I also have the Bob modpack with it and thus there is the resource tin. which is needed to craft the 2nd Science Packet. I would have a suggestion to fix this problem. Since I also included MadClowns Processing, there is the resource Adamantite Ore which can be obtained by refining. if you make them available earlier, for example in research: "Electric Omnitractor" with the recipe: "Basic Impure Extraction" would have solved the problem.
If you want to fix my mistake again, test it briskly.
These mods you need to understand what I mean:
all Pycoal mods (except PyHightech)
All bob mods
All fishing mods
All Omni mods
all madclowns mods (except science and epic arttilery)
As I said tin is important and you can not explore it because you need Science Packet 2 and for this you need but already tin.
vicious circle