
This mod condenses all ores into a single ore from which everything is extracted.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b Error with infinite omnite

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Using bob and angel's there's an error

Error while loading entity prototype "infinite-omnite" (resource): Key "mining_time" not found in property tree at ROOT.resource.infinite_omnite.minable


7 years ago

What are the circumstances? It works for me

7 years ago

Same issue.

Mods enabled:

However, if you are using Omnimatter and the infinite ores setting then you probably don't need Angels Infinite Ores installed.

Still, it would be nice to check if it's installed and handle accordingly.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I cannot guarantee that this will work but this solved the error for me with full Bobs and Angels.
In omnimatter/prototypes/generation/omnite-inf.lua, line 21, I commented out local mine={} since it removes whatever that was set to mine in lines 4 to 18 which includes mining_time.
I don't know if this causes any further issues since I am not a Lua programmer but it does removes the error.