
This mod condenses all ores into a single ore from which everything is extracted.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

g Techtree

7 years ago


I really enjoy your mod. It fits well to the alien / foreign planet setting, I mean why should the planet we crash land on have iron cupper etc all we need to build a rocket :D

IMO the techtree is a bit bulky / messy, can you consider to sum up techs?
For example the "oil" techs -> 3 techs into one that costs more and you get all 3 recipes with one tech.

best regards

7 years ago

Please explain more.

7 years ago

I agree with this sentiment. There are what seems to be hundreds of small incremental researches. I would prefer if you skipped the middle steps and reduced the number of researches but kept the research cost the same. I have no use of slightly incremental changes in the output of resources while having the option of a pure process is great.