
This mod condenses all ores into a single ore from which everything is extracted.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b Not detecting angels / bob

7 years ago


I can't get your mod to detect angel. Starting recipes are stuck to iron ore / copper ore, whatever i do.

I've tried removing all mods and to only keep Angel / Bob / Omnimatter, still doesn't work.

Am I the only one ? Is this a bug ?

Thanks for your work EmperorZelos, your mod is great.

7 years ago

After a few tests, it seems like in prototypes/recipes/extraction-basic.lua the condition on line 98 keep getting entered even if i don't have the only smelting mod (and even if i did, why would i be able to make iron ore from start and avoid angel refining ?).

I changed it to "if not true then" and recipes are fixed.