
This mod condenses all ores into a single ore from which everything is extracted.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

g [Question] Bob's mods ground water


Just a quick question:
Ground water appears to still have autoplace controls, and looking in the files shows that the part that would nullify it is commented out.

However, with RSO, the game prints the message
"The resource ground-water is not configured in RSO. It won't be spawned!"
to the console when starting a game.

Without this mod, RSO generates ground water normally. With this mod, however, ground water does not generate even though it shows up in the map gen settings.
Is this intended?

7 years ago

It is not, I will look into it.

I posted this awhile ago, and kind of forgot about it tbh.

However, I finally figured out what RSO was talking about when it says that ground-water wasn't configured; it's because with this mod active, RSO only looks at the omnimatter resource configuration, and, since it doesn't include ground-water or lithia-water, throws this error because it doesn't know how to handle spawning the ground/lithia water patches (since they are only defined in the bobores resource config).

Manually adding the ground-water and lithia-water spawn configurations to the omnimatter file once again allows Ground Water and Lithia Water to spawn, and no longer causes this message to appear.