Oarc Multiplayer Spawn

by Oarc

Provides a better multiplayer experience by allowing players to have separate spawns around the map. This mod provides a custom spawn system for multiplayer co-operative play. The goal is to provide as close to a vanilla experience as possible (while also supporting compatibility with other mods where possible.) [Now supports all the new planets in Space Age!]

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0
Enemies Environment


Important Info

In general, please don't update unless you're starting a new game. Read the mod settings description and mod info before starting. Some settings can't be changed once you start a game.

Options and Configuration

Please see the mod settings and their descriptions/tooltips for information. The in game GUI provides a nicer mod settings view and interface, but does not provide access to startup settings as those can't be changed once in game.

The high level summary is that the settings provide options to configure: spawn choices, spawn area configuration (size/shape/starting resources/starting items), various co-op features for sharing map vision/chat, several features that scale enemy difficulty around every spawn area, special features to keep map/file size down to avoid map size bloat, and lots more...

There is a template scenario provided that shows how to customize all settings (including lots of hidden ones that can't easily be exposed in the mod settings) which can be used when setting up a headless server. See the control.lua file in the template scenario provided in the mod.

Space Age and 2.0

Space age isn't released yet. I'll update the mod to support it as and when I get time. There are some features already in place to support multiple surfaces but they will likely not work as expected with V2.0 Factorio or with the Space Age DLC.

Scenario vs Mod

Going forward (as of Sep 2024), I will only be maintaining the mod. I maintained this "mod" as a scenario since 2016 because back then, mods were not as easy to automatically sync and install. With all the amazing work the developers of Factorio have done, mods are now so easy to install and sync to a server that there is no longer an excuse to keep this as a scenario. A mod version also provides ways to do mod compatibility properly, so in theory, it should be easier now to fix mod incompatibilities.

Can you make the mod compatible with "X" other mod?

I get frequently asked if this mod can be made compatible with other overhauls like Space Ex. In general, any mod that significantly changes surface generation, enemy spawning, or resource spawning will likely not be compatible. However, feel free to reach out to me to ask about and I'll see what I can do.


(Github Issues are a good way to contact me too.)