Oarc Multiplayer Spawn

by Oarc

Provides a better multiplayer experience by allowing players to have separate spawns around the map. This mod provides a custom spawn system for multiplayer co-operative play. The goal is to provide as close to a vanilla experience as possible (while also supporting compatibility with other mods where possible.) [Now supports all the new planets in Space Age!]

8 days ago
0.17 - 2.0
Enemies Environment

g Duping inventory

7 days ago
(updated 7 days ago)

Duping inventory on reset. Since new version and new map i can dupe my inventory on every reset.
Its reset due first of month and i didnt have this bug befor.

Edit: i cant reproduce it. Created new map with same impoted settings and everything is fine again

6 days ago

Hmmm, thanks for reporting. I know there are some edge cases where it is difficult to clear the inventory without risking mod compatibility issues. I'll double check just to see if I can find anything, but just let me know if you are able to reproduce it again.

Right now, all I do is remove the starting items that my mod provides on reset. If the player gains other items before resetting, or a mod provides starting items, those are not cleared when reset. So it is still possible to abuse this.

New response