Oarc Multiplayer Spawn

by Oarc

Provides a better multiplayer experience by allowing players to have separate spawns around the map. This mod provides a custom spawn system for multiplayer co-operative play. The goal is to provide as close to a vanilla experience as possible (while also supporting compatibility with other mods where possible.) [Now supports all the new planets in Space Age!]

8 days ago
0.17 - 2.0
Enemies Environment

b BIg Monsters not working with this mod

2 years ago

hey I was playing this mod with a friend and realised that big monsters mod wasn't spawning any events in so I went in the discord for the mod and spoke to the mod author he said try a command to spawn a event manually which i tried and it didn't do anything so I said that to him and he said you are using oarc, and that mod has no integration with big monsters, any help with fixing this I really like this oarc mod and big monsters for the challenge?

2 years ago

Hiya, yeah unfortunately the way the monster spawning works (and with the huge variety of other mods that make changes to the monster spawns) I can't add support for things like that easily. If you or someone you knows can mod, you're welcome to fork/clone my github repo and make those changes, I'd be happy to answer any questions I can to help too.

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