More Module Slots

Add more module slots to anything that can currently accept them, and sometimes, some that dont.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Labs and electric drills missing bonus slots

4 years ago

My labs and electric miners don't get bonus slots. I checked the log and there's no entry for them.

I think data-final-fixes.lua line 22, if k.allowed_effects is the culprit. The lab doesn't have allowed effects and neither does the electric-mining-drill in raw.txt. I have a feeling it's another stupid dev thing, because I bypassed the check, and took out the allowed_effects block (thinking nil might mean "any"). The first damn thing is it complains that a stone furnace has slots but no allowed effects, even though the lab and electric-mining-drill are the same way (they're not "crafting" machines... probably something to do with it).

I changed line 22 to if (not k.allowed_effects) or (#k.allowed_effects > 0) then and it seems to be okay. It's catching stuff that was missed. Will report back if anything's broken as hell.

4 years ago


Thanks for that.
If you could let me know if there are any major messups with that, else I'll push it with the next update.

4 years ago

It's been working without issues. I'm playing Warptorio which has a lot of potential for conflicts, using the Big Lab mod, and have some custom entities with other mods. Everything looks good and no errors. I could post my log message on loading, since there's a log on what's getting more modules

4 years ago

Thanks Honktown; I'll update and release this one in a couple days (when I get time to update all my mods to 0.18)

4 years ago

Pssst is there anything that will break I should know about? I have to update mine too

4 years ago

I haven't seen anything that else that breaks because of this.
I've released the update for both 0.17 and 0.18.

4 years ago

My thing breaks better-air-filtering. For some reason the dev put in nil allowed effects, but then put in a module spec.

Data-final-fixe, line 26, I added an extra check:

                    if k.module_specification and k.module_specification.module_slots and k.module_specification.module_slots > 0 then
4 years ago

Thanks Honktown.

I've fixed this in the latest version. I've also added some credits for you :)

4 years ago

Aw you don't have to :( Thanks tho

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