Modular Beacon Power

Beacons are affected by their own modules. Fully configurable settings.

8 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Manufacturing Power

b [addressed] Quality Bug

4 months ago

I'm having an odd issue, where placing down beacons with quality have their quality reverted to normal once an module is inserted. Unsure if it's a mod interaction or not, since I haven't figured out a way to use console commands to give me a quality beacon to test on a fresh save.

4 months ago

I know how to fix this but there's another issue with module requests which I need to figure out first. Couldn't figure it out today but will tinker with it more soon.

4 months ago

No worries, it's barely a week after release. Doesn't surprise me there's some new things to iron out. :P

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

I thought this wouldn't be an issue with the newest update, but it seems it still is. Will address that in the next update.

EDIT: Fixed in v1.0.2

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