
by therax

Compact and UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders. Works with train cargo wagons, circuits, filters, and modded belts from Bob's, Krastorio, FactorioExtended Plus, Space Exploration, and Ultimate Belts.

7 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Addone mod

4 years ago

I'm considering to add compatability for this mod in my space exploration-deadlock bridge mod. To deepcopy the blue miniloaders and adjust them into space miniloaders. That's OK with you?

4 years ago

After actually looking at it though, just copying it might not be enough.

4 years ago

Definitely will not be enough. I’ll add compatibility with Space Exploration in a bit.

4 years ago

you'll need to overwrite the collision mask for the space loaders during the data-final-fixes I think.
unless Earandel already added some code that automatically excludes things with space in it's name. Not sure he did yet.

4 years ago

Support has been added in 1.7.12. I haven't played Space Exploration extensively, so it may be buggy. Try it and let me know what you find.

4 years ago

Currently, it seems like non-space loaders can still be placed in space. This should not be allowed.
Give them the following collision mask to fix:
{"item-layer", "object-layer", "player-layer", "water-tile", space_collision_layer}
also, the space loaders tech should have the t2 loader tech as prerequesite I'd say.

4 years ago

Repeat of the last statement, plus for the entities generated for other mod supports.

4 years ago

Thanks for the reminder, this slipped my mind. I’ll probably need to spend a little more time playing Space Exploration to get a feel for the progression.

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