Market deprecated

by OwnlyMe

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b GUI icons off-center in inventory

4 years ago

For reference:
GUI scale 150%
have some extra inventory slots
autobuy mod is installed

The GUI was lined up when added to an existing game where I had many more inventory slots (and same scale and autobuy installed). This is a new game.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

maybe it will settle after your next research (or on window size change)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Indeed it does. Interesting. A mod I'm using modifies inventory size outside of technology, so I can see where that could cause a conflict. Thank you.

Edit, do you think maybe you could have an option for when the player inventory is opened? The gui opening event works for that, I think. Can't figure out what someone's doing, but if I recall correctly it is detectable.

4 years ago

calculating the gui size is quite performance intensive

4 years ago

it should also update when you change your armor

4 years ago

Sweet. I can do that anytime.

New response