Trains Switch to Manual at Temporary Stops

by jeff.s

Automatically switch trains into manual mode when they arrive at a temporary stop (created by Ctrl+Click on the map in train menu). If you change the condition on the temporary stop to anything other than the default of "wait 5s", the train will NOT switch into temporary mode.

4 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Resets trains and potentially deletes interrupts and train groups.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Don't know if this counts as a bug, but whenever it switches to manual mode, it will change the group of the train to unassigned, and wipe it's interrupts. And so if it is the only train in a specific group, or with some interrupts, they will get deleted and needs to be remade.

3 months ago

A lot of train schedule related mods currently have this problem, there is currently not way to handle interrupts via modding API and they just get discarded when you fiddle with the schedule.

3 months ago

Thanks for nice mod.

Today I've found this problem. Take bunch of time to find problem. Cannot use cause this problem.

Hope fixed soon.

New response