Trains Switch to Manual at Temporary Stops

by jeff.s

Automatically switch trains into manual mode when they arrive at a temporary stop (created by Ctrl+Click on the map in train menu). If you change the condition on the temporary stop to anything other than the default of "wait 5s", the train will NOT switch into temporary mode.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

b [fixed in 1.1.0] incompatibility with LTN

3 years ago

this mod is a great idea, and i would love to use it, but unfortunately it breaks Logistic Train Network, as LTN uses temporary stops to ensure trains path to the intended station, but this mod will set them to manual both at the provider and requester, requiring player intervention

i'm not sure how you could fix this more robustly, but a quick and dirty solution could be to have this mod ignore any train with a stop in its schedule that contains the [virtual-signal=ltn-depot] icon in its name? perhaps with a toggle setting? that way as long as players remember to always include that icon in their depot names, LTN-managed trains will be unaffected but vanilla ones will switch to manual

3 years ago

Thanks for letting me know - I've just updated the mod with a new feature which should also help it be compatible with LTN.

Now, trains will only go into manual mode at temporary stops if the condition is "5s passed" (the default when the player creates them). LTN uses a different condition and I checked that this works now with LTN.

3 years ago

awesome, that's definitely better than my idea lol, thanks for updating so quickly!

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