Xenos Oppression: Advanced Laser Tank

by Mr.YaR

An advanced laser tank relying on it's grid and varied combinable energy cells to overcome difficulties. Adds ammunition with unique sounds and visual special effects that is compatible with X.O.: Factory Guard ammo

1 year, 24 days ago
Transportation Combat

g Feedback: Red Ammo is the Best Ammo

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

There's 4 different ammo types for this tank: green, brown, teal, and black.
The 5th ammo type, red, comes in a separate mod Xenos Oppression: Factory Guard.

Red ammo (Lesser Stupefy) is the most powerful ammo type for this tank,
and it will help you in the endgame when you are fighting against powerful modded enemies.

1.) Can target multiple enemies at the same time, being able to kill a large wave of enemies very quickly.
2.) Constantly applies a slow debuff which is useful against tougher enemies, so they won't be fast enough to reach you before they die.

1.) Runs out quickly, and you will get distracted from having to resupply. You will need a hauler type AI vehicle to resupply automatically.
2.) If you are not inside a vehicle while the AI tank is targetting enemies, the laser will kill you IMMEDIATELY if you stand in its way.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Brown ammo (Energy Cell Concentrated Targeted Explosion) is not the best ammo type against large waves of enemies. It fires an energy ball that can miss distant targets, and its minimum range prevents it from engaging close range targets that can overrun your tank.

1.) Bigger explosion size.
2.) Can stun.
3.) High explosion damage.

1.) Lowest attack speed means it'll hit fewer targets.
2.) Explosion can miss moving targets, due to its low projectile speed.
3.) Minimum range prevents it from hitting close range targets.
4.) Can't reapply stun debuff to extend the effect duration, due to missing targets or low attack speed.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Teal ammo (Energy Cell Explosion) can actually hit more targets due to it's balanced attack speed, and explosions.

1.) 2nd fastest attack speed.
2.) Can saturate a wide area with explosions at maximum range.
3.) More accurate at minimum range.
4.) Stackable
5.) Stuns

1.) Scattered projectiles will miss targets.
2.) Can't engage targets below minimum range.
3.) Explosions deal less damage.
4.) Can't reapply stuns debuff at maximum range due to inaccuracy.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Green ammo (Energy Cell Targeted Explosion) hits less frequently due to it's low attack speed but is accurate at all ranges and can attack at close range.

1.) Does not miss.
2.) 2nd strongest explosion.
3.) Can attack close range.

1.) Slightly smaller explosion.
2.) Lower rate of fire.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Black ammo (Energy Cell Targeted) does not explode and can't handle large waves of enemies but performs well against low density waves without wasting ammo.

1.) Does not miss.
2.) 3rd fastest attack speed.
3.) Can attack at close range.
4.) High ammo capacity.

1.) No explosion.
2.) Can't attack fast enough to engage large waves of enemies.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Great feedback!
Un grand merci pour avoir pris le temps d'ecrire tout ca!

If you're interested - feel free to expand a bit:

Do have some "laser damage" and "laser speed" upgrades in your game/testfield ?

If the Stupefy damage is reduced, will it prevent the Stupefy Cell from being useful when used in the laser tank?
As, from your statement, it seems it gets too effective (damage) when used in a tank (mauvais nombres de ma part).
Plan: Reducing it's damage to keep it stun-oriented

Concentrated Targeted Explosion
It is a "ultimate", high alpha+low dps "artillery" load. Does it current damage fit it's role?
Next update: increasing it's aoe and the energy ball speed

How much tanks/robots using this cell are required to create an effective saturation area?
Is the tiny stun well fitting it?
Plan: increasing it's firing rate - as it seems requiring too many tanks/units to make it work as supposed (saturation area)

Targeted Explosion
This load was mainly thought as usable in a crowded with friendly units area (to avoid friendly fire while doing type="laser" damage).
Plan: increasing it's damage (10~20%)

Overall, your descriptions are close to the "desired/planed" role\usage for those cells.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Actually, I think all non-stupefy ammo need to catch up with buffs. Once you reach endgame enemies, then all enemies have high enough health that stupefy will mostly stun them.

It also takes longer to damage spawners, which exploding ammo seems to be better at because they dont move and have higher damage to oneshot them.

1 year, 1 month ago

Here's a comparison between mid-game and late-game performance:



1 year, 1 month ago

For more precision:

  • non-stupefy ammo needs more damage (target applied damage, not "paper damage") later-on
  • stupefy ammo starts working as stun ammo later-on
1 year, 1 month ago

Here's a comparison between mid-game and late-game performance:



Just realized i didn't play factorio that way for soo long. Seems the numbers are working relatively correctly

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Do have some "laser damage" and "laser speed" upgrades in your game/testfield ?

In this test field, all techs are unlocked. https://imgur.com/iUmqWJ6
There's also more laser damage.

New response