Logistic request helper

Adds a crafting tab-like GUI to quickly add/remove logistic requests by clicking, shift-clicking or right-clicking.

9 hours ago
Logistic network

i [implemented] Add this Gui also to buffer and request chests?

30 days ago

Sometimes it's quite a hassle to set the requests for buffer and request chests, your easy-to-use GUI would be helpful in these cases.

30 days ago

Once again a brilliant idea! Due to how logistic requests are handled for different entities/vehicles/players I need to do some internal optimizations first.

I'll keep you posted once this feature has been implemented.

29 days ago

Well it must be your lucky day, got it working quite quickly!

v0.3.0 is available for the grabs, note that this release also changes some mod settings so you need to update that again.

27 days ago

Nice that you also added for spidertrons! I also tested with spidertron patrol. and I had the window attached to the right. because of this it hid a button of spidertron patrol... No biggie as I could have used Attached to left. But perhaps you can think of an easy fix. otherwise it is probably not worth your time.

27 days ago

Contained by forcing it to the left if Spidertron Patrols is installed, for structural solution I will look into the possibility to display it next to the window Spidertron Patrols window.

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