Logistic request helper

Adds a crafting tab-like GUI to quickly add/remove logistic requests by clicking, shift-clicking or right-clicking.

9 hours ago
Logistic network

b [solved] Train and wagons dont show up

a month ago

I'm playing with the Lunar Landings mod, and normal trains and wagons don't show:


a month ago

Oh dear, that's no good :(

Would you mind following these steps and share the outcome?
- Hover over the locomotive that is not showing up
- Press Ctrl+Shift+F (this should bring up the prototype window)
- Search for "flag"
Or if Ctrl+Shift+F does not show up the prototype window (could be because another mod overwrites this)
- Press Ctrl+Shift+E
- Search for "locomotive"
- Open the locomotive prototype under "item"
- Search for "flag"

The resulting screen should look something like this:

a month ago

I got this:

Let me know if you need more information

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Hmm I need a bit more information. In version v0.1.7 I added command /lrh_debug, could you run that and paste the result in a pastebin?

a month ago


Let me know if you need anything else

a month ago

Ah found it, both locomotive and space-locomotive were fighting for the same position in the screen.

Should be solved now in v0.1.8!

a month ago

Great, it is indeed fixed! Thanks!!

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