Loaders Modernized

Compact 1x1 loaders that use electricity. They are able to use separate filters on each belt lane, and can stack items on belts if stack inserters are available.

23 hours ago
Logistics Circuit network

b [Fixed] Error loading mod

6 days ago

I get this just after activating your mod:

Error loading mod: Error while loading mod-setting prototype "aai-loaders-mode" (string-setting): Default value (graphics-only) isn't a valid value based off the prototype limitations.
Modifications: AAI Loaders › AAI Loaders: Electric powered › Loaders Modernized › Noxys Extra Settings Info

5 days ago

I have been unable to reproduce this error. Do you have a full list of mods that you have installed, perhaps a save game you can provide that I can test wtih?

4 days ago

Scratch that. I was able to reproduce this. The mod AAI Loaders: Electric powered removes the "graphics-only" option of AAI Loaders. The mode doesn't provide the loaders and must have AAI loaders provide the actual loaders that it then modifies. Loaders Modernized is a loader mod that provides loaders. It only uses AAI Loaders for the graphics available.

It really is redundant to have Loaders Modernized and AAI Loaders: Electric powered since Loaders Modernized already use electric power. They are incompatible. I will add an incompatible flag to Loaders Modernized.

4 days ago

Understood, no problem. Thanks for finding the issue!

4 days ago

Another adjustment. :) Instead of marking it incompatible, I made them compatible. You will now be able to use both.

4 days ago

Hallelujah! 🥳

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