Loaders Modernized

Compact 1x1 loaders that use electricity. They are able to use separate filters on each belt lane, and can stack items on belts if stack inserters are available.

a day ago
Logistics Circuit network

g Loaders do not appear to work when emptying a container on Aquilo

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Disregard please, for whatever reason placing it manually a few times made it work.

4 months ago

Do the conditions in this bug report fit what you were seeing?


4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

Actually yes, blueprints I've been using forever have the weird "Loader doesn't connect with container" bug from the five-years-ago version of this mod unless the bots happen to place heatpipes before the loaders, if they would be "frozen" when they're placed then they don't work correctly at all.

From that thread this is a vanilla bug?

4 months ago

Yes, the heat pipe thing appears to be a vanilla bug. And it the way I read this is that a bug was fixed, but only partially resulting in this order placing bug. You may need to comment on that thread, and / or post a new bug.

To your blueprint statement though. Did you use the migration from miniloader function of this mod? Despite the visual similarities, this mod is actually completely new and not a continuation of Miniloaders. I'm now very curious how blueprints got handled, because I did not do any specific handling of blueprints.

4 months ago

This may be fixed in 2.0.17.


New response