Lex's Aircraft

by lexsus

Your attention is presented to the futuristic VTOL aircraft that are well suited to the style of the game. The mod includes aircraft: transport, light combat, heavy combat.

11 months ago
Transportation Combat

b Aircraft is deleted when spaceship tiles or scaffolding in placed underneath - Space Exploration

1 year, 3 months ago

I have run into multiple scenarios where I would be placing spaceship tiles or space scaffolding in Space Exploration and the aircraft I'm in disappears and I'm no longer able to switch into the vehicle using spidertron enhancements. I cannot reproduce this with regular spidertrons. https://streamable.com/c7cuos

Xorimuth β˜†
1 year, 3 months ago

Since the only way to smuggle the aircraft into space in the first place is with Spidertron Enhancements, this isn't a very high priority issue :)

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