Leighzer's Science Bottling deprecated

Configurable mod that changes the science pack production chain. Liquid science now must be manufactured and bottled to make a science pack.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Result from Slowncheap Chemical Plant mining ...

4 years ago

hey Leighzer,

I have wonder why i have chemical plant at my Inventory :-)
If i deconstruct the "slowncheap-chemical-plant", then i get a chemical plant.
entity.lua :: (minable = {mining_time = 0.1, result = "chemical-plant"},)

Is this wanted?

I love, play and modify your mods. Thx for your Work ;-)
best regards

4 years ago

Thanks for pointing this out sushi! I have released a fix for this issue. Slow n' cheap chem plants should also now be fast replaceable with regular plants.

Thank you, glad to hear!

New response