Leighzer's Science Bottling deprecated

Configurable mod that changes the science pack production chain. Liquid science now must be manufactured and bottled to make a science pack.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

i Resources

4 years ago

Hi there)

Not sure if that's a real issue. Just a perception of my own experience. The thing is that sand and precursore spawning pattern doesn't seem balanced like for vanilla resources. Too much of them was avaliable in the starting area. Multiple millions, at default settings if I remember how I set them, correctly. Further away from base... idk. Wasn't researched map very much.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Interesting, Sand and Precursore should be placed (count+rarity) the same as iron I believe. I'll look into this!

Edit: clarification

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