Laser Tanks

by OwnlyMe

Vehicle Laser weapons, Electric Car, Tank & Train.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

b Crash on robot rebuilding ghost from Vehicle Corpses

2 months ago

Laser Tanks 2.0.9
Vehicle Corpses 0.1.1
Factorio 2.0.28
no other mods

  1. Tank destroyed
  2. Vehicle Corpses leave behind a ghost
  3. Robot tried to rebuild ghost from laser tank in inventory
  4. Crashes (reproduced):

Error while running event laser_tanks::on_robot_built_entity (ID 1 5)
laser_tanks/controI.lua:54: attempt to index global 'entity' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
laser tanks /control.lua:54: in function < laser tanks /control.lua:51>

2 months ago

thank you very much, it should work now

2 months ago

thank you very much, it should work now

Confirmed working properly now. Thanks!

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