Laser Tanks

by OwnlyMe

Vehicle Laser weapons, Electric Car, Tank & Train.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0


Version: 2.0.11
    - Fixed other laser vehicles getting registered for (AAI-style lasertank) drifting on configuration change
Version: 2.0.10
    - Fixed an error when the tank is built by a robot
Version: 2.0.9
    - Fixed AAI style tank not accelerating when not using the external library
Version: 2.0.8
    - Fixed an error when placing the AAI Style tank
Version: 2.0.7
    - Fixed the drifting AAI Lasertank not accelerating sometimes
    - The AAI style laser tank's manuverability benefits from exoskeletons now
Version: 2.0.6
    - Fixed newly built AAI style lasertanks not drifting
Version: 2.0.5
    - Fixed electric train not being electric
Version: 2.0.4
    - Fixed a bug when placing down the tank
    - The AAI style laser tank now has a better fitting cannon projectile
Version: 2.0.3
    - Fixed a bug with AAI vehicles laser tank ("Animation and light animation must have the same frame count")
    - If using the AAI vehicles laser tank graphic, the tank will drift like hovercrafts now. (can be toggled off)
Version: 2.0.2
    - small buff to normal lvl 3 laser projectile
    - explosions emit colored light now
    - Fixed a crash when a vehicle gets destroyed while driving
Version: 2.0.1
    - Updated for 2.0 Space Age
    - The library is now easy to include in your own mod (note: there's no version checking. the first mod registering the interface will handle everything. the mod that handles everything can change, for example when a mod is uninstalled)
    - Uses the new burner effectivity from 2.0
    - Rebalanced regenerative brakes (formula should now return almost the correct amount of energy)
    - Regenerative brakes now get better with higher quality
    - Now ignores vehicles (on build) that don't have entity.prototype.burner_prototype.fuel_categories.electrical
    - "spider-vehicle" is now a valid vehicle type
    - Changed storage.brakes -> storage.ev_brakes and global.vehicles -> storage.e_vehicles to not interfer with the mod this is included in:
    - Rewrote the handling of caches when a different mod gets responsible for the electric vehicles lib
    - Moved local variables to storage table (in fear of desyncs)
    - IMPORTANT: events have slightly changed:
    - Now reacts to script_raised_built
    - on_load was removed
    - on_init and on_configuration_changed now call ev_on_init_on_configuration_changed
    - all functions now have the prefix ev_
Version: 2.0.1
    - new charger graphics
    - projectiles have a white light layer now
    - rebalanced regenerative brakes but made them scale with quality
    - now prioritizes recharging the selected gun
    - reworked projectile visuals
    - The cannon consumes 3 MJ now (requires 2 chargers to charge)
Version: 0.18.16
    - Requires Military 3 instead of 4 now
Version: 0.18.15
    - Copied all base game files to protect them from wube.. (factorio 0.18.7 update)
Version: 0.18.14
    - Fixed cannon damaging the tank itself
Version: 0.18.13
    - Fixed vehicles loosing their ability to drive electrically after loading a game
Version: 0.17.12
    - Added support for Industrial Revolution
Version: 0.17.11
    - Updated code to match 0.17.35's change: "Renamed defines.inventory.player_main, player_guns, player_ammo, player_armor, player_vehicle and player_trash to defines.inventory.character_main, character_guns, character_ammo, character_armor, character_vehicle and character_trash"
Version: 0.17.10
    - Forgot to add a migration for the recently included electric engines
Version: 0.17.9
    - Fix for some mod that messed with the minability
Version: 0.17.8
    - Fix for some mod that messed with the guns
Version: 0.17.7
    - Fixed a bug with the custom laser colors
Version: 0.17.6
    - Forgot to include the laser charger in the technology
Version: 0.17.5
    - Electric vehicles lib reborn is not required anymore to get electric vehicles (but is still be compatible)
    - Without Electric vehicles lib reborn, the train now consumes 2.5x as much power (2.5 MW) (since it's an end-game vehicle), increased acceleration by 10% in return
    - Electric train is now enabled by default
    - Fixed Exoskeleton not working in trains
    - Increased max speed of the train by 25%
Version: 0.17.4
    - Fixed mining results of the car and tank
    - The tank's weapons will now charge even if it only has 1 charger
Version: 0.17.3
    - Projectiles with very dark tint now use a different blend mode to remain visible
    - Added electric train (optional) so you only need electric vehicles lib reborn and don't end up with multiple versions of the electric vehicles (unlocked at laser guns 2)
    - Reduced technology costs of laser guns 3 to 600 (from 1000)
    - Increased Energy per charge to 750 kJ (1500 kJ for the cannon) (from 500/1000)
Version: 0.17.2
    - Forgot to remove a dummy i used for testing