Laser Tanks

by OwnlyMe

Vehicle Laser weapons, Electric Car, Tank & Train.

a month ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Fuel Icon Constantly Flashing

2 months ago

My laser tank is working perfectly except for one thing: the red fuel icon is constantly flashing on my tank. Is this a bug?

Thanks for your work!

2 months ago

Did you put the big 2x2 transformer in?

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Yes, I have the High Voltage Transformer. The fuel icon only appears when I'm moving (for example, when I press W).
I'm running Space age DLC!

2 months ago

thats weird. what's the max consumption of your lasertank in the tooltip?
are there any mods listed that altered the record?
worst case you can just use a higher quality transformer

2 months ago

The consumption is 600kW (2 high voltage transformers).
- If the tank is driven remotely, the fuel icon disappears; no bug.
- However, when the tank is driven normally, the icon only appears when keys are pressed.

Active Mods: base, elevated-rails, quality, space-age, AsphaltRoadsPatched, Better-Power-Armor-Grid, bobinserters, BottleneckLite, car-finder, CleanFloor, Dectorio, even-distribution, flib, helmod, Hovercrafts, InlaidLampsExtended, Inventory Sensor, ixuClock, kry_stdlib, laser_tanks, manual-inventory-sort, nixie-tubes, PavementDriveAssistContinued, reverse-factory, Robot256Lib, textplates, Todo-List, underground-pipe-pack, valves, vehicle-wagon-graphics, VehicleSnap, VehicleWagon2, visual_tracers

We're not ready for quality right now, so I don't have access to a higher-quality transformer.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

multiple transformers won't do anything, it always uses the biggest one
are you sure your equipment/batteries are strong enough to supply 600 kw?
since you have hovercrafts installed, you could try using the 3x2 transformer from that
how much of the transformer's energy buffer is filled when you move?

2 months ago

I only have the fuel icon blinking when riding a Laser hovercraft or Electric hovercraft. During the movement of these vehicles too quickly discharge High voltage transformer and for this reason the fuel indicator lights up. Most likely the author of the mod hovercrafts not correctly set the fuel consumption.

2 months ago

The hovercrafts require the huge 3x2 transformer that that mod adds

2 months ago

So, the problem is still there. The fuel icon is still constantly flashing, and it's really annoying... :(

Here is the equipment grid of my laser tank:
It says that the max power output of the transformer is 0.
And when I hover over the tank:

I tried to use the big 3x2 transformer from your hovercraft mod, but the laser tank refuses to accept it. At least the big transformer doesn’t show that the max power output is 0.

So, could the reason for the fuel warning icon be that the transformer’s max power output is 0?

2 months ago

if it happens with the latest version i probably need your savegame to reproduce it
trying it with only hovercrafts and lasertanks enabled, this doesn't happen... even tried equipping the tank with exactly the same equipment
that the transformer has an output of 0 is normal. it's basically a battery, so you won't want the rest of the equipment feeding from it

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

In multiplayer only:
1. Low fuel symbol when you move
2. Stuttery/laggy performance

In local singleplayer I have no issues appears to be working as intended.

Is it possible latency is causing the fuel check to not resolve properly?

2 months ago

Hmm no idea

New response